Keeping Current
Team Members

Cammeo Gaviota
Website Manager | Plankton Classifier
I chose this project because I’m really interested in marine science, and I’m hoping to pursue a career in it once I graduate! I’m on the scientific communications team and mainly do website managing and writing for the group. I also assist our Planktoscope team in classifying the many different plankton we see from the Planktoscope.

Laura Edwards
Planktoscope Data Analyst | Client Liaison
I see climate change as one of the most pressing environmental issues of the current day, so I hope to conduct research on the effect of climate change on oceans after I graduate. I am on the team responsible for assembling a taxonomic dataset of planktonic species using images collected from a device called the PlanktoScope, and hope to use that data to draw correlations between environmental gradients and planktonic community structure.

Josiah Berkov-Kemp
Planktoscope Data Analyst | ROV Team Liaison
I love the ocean and the ecosystems it supports, and I am honored to play my small part in helping protect it from climate change. Along with Laura Edwards, I am currently analyzing plankton samples from the 2021 NOAA West Coast Ocean Acidification cruise with the goal of better understanding the planktonic community structure along the US west coast.

Jin Han
Data Analyst | Code Specialist
Ever since I was young, I loved watching ocean-related videos from National Geographic documentaries and this project was the definitely best choice for me to expand my insight on Oceanography. As a member of the coding team, I analyze the NOAA West Coast Cruise datasets and develop the habitat suitability model using several parameters.

Maddie Wilson
Project Manager | Code Analyst
I am excited to work with my team to analyze the ecological risks of ocean acidification. I hope to transfer the experience and skills I use for this project to a future career in oceanographic research. I work alongside Jin and Faria to develop a habitat suitability model using biogeochemical data.

Kobi Talma
Finances Manager | Communications Lead
Having grown up on a tropical island, marine science has always interested me and this project was the clear choice. I am a member of the scientific communications team and hope to produce publicly accessible information geared towards increasing public understanding of our project and its importance.

Faria Trisha
App Designer | Coding Specialist
From the start of my academic career, I have always been fascinated with the relationship between natural and built environment. This project provides further insight on direct anthropogenic effects to biological systems and skills necessary for my professional career. As a part of the coding team, I organize cruise data and several parameters to make a web-based application soon to be featured.

Julianne Lea
Ocean Data Viewer Expert | Planktoscope Data Analyst
I am interested in research on how ocean acidification affects marine ecosystems, and I am very excited to be a part of this project this year. I am working with the science communications team to create accessible information for the public, focusing on our project, its importance, and other research being conducted by scientists in the field.