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Keeping Current
California and Oregon Border
Fluctuations in pH

Transect 8: 41.5982 N, 124.1782W; 41.7169 N, 125.6568 W. The red points correspond with the two different stations where data was collected.
This transect was marked as significant for pH. pH is highest near the shore, then decreases, but then increases once again at the furthest station offshore.
What makes pH interesting?
pH is an indicator of acidity and alkalinity, something that is chemically important for all organisms, even humans. All of our organ systems and bodies are used to functioning under a certain pH. If this threshold isn't met, it can put our bodies under stress. This same idea applies to Dungeness crab, especially their shells. Lower pH means more acidity, which can degrade the shells of the crabs and make them more susceptible to the harsh oceanic environment, and predation.
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